Thank you for your interest in joining us. We are a group of Maine artisans who have come together to offer high quality, Made in Maine items to the public in our shops.  Gathering as a cooperative allows each of us to have access to retail locations, group advertising, credit card processing, packaging, and sales staff who represent our products.  As individuals this could be unachievable, but collectively we are able to succeed.

We offer three levels of membership. Please reference the chart below for specific information. To apply for membership, either fill in the form electronically and submit it, or print out the PDF file and mail it to the address on the application.

To ensure the quality of products sold at Harbor Artisans, all items must be juried into the store (voted on & approved by existing members). You need not be present for jurying and may send samples. Members will vote and you will be notified shortly thereafter regarding the outcome. We are committed to maintaining the integrity of our shop by selling items ONLY made in Maine by local artisans.

Please fill in the application below. You can also download a PDF version of the application HERE and send it via email or US Postal Service to the address on the application.